5 Common Neurological Disorders

The pediatric neurosurgeons at Norton Neuroscience Institute provide neurological care for children at Norton Children’s Hospital. Our pediatric specialists are experienced in treating the unique needs of children with brain and spine conditions. They are skilled in the use of progressive techniques.

Ill-Effects Of Night Shifts

Long-term night shift work is associated with an increased risk of certain cancers, as well as metabolic problems, heart disease and obesity. People who work night shifts or rotating shifts also often don’t sleep enough, and long-term sleep deprivation is known to be bad for health.

How Drugs Alter The Brain

Suspendisse magna urna, aliquam eu metus nec, sagittis pharetra sapien. Ut sem purus, eleifend sit amet suscipit luctus, bibendum sed sem. Duis ut nisi lobortis, ornare arcu vel, mollis metus. Mauris quis urna volutpat, congue magna ut, consectetur massa.